An ice information app for navigation in polar regions

IcySea provides near real time sea ice information for activities in the polar regions, reducing cost and risk, in a Polar Code compliant way. It is the sea ice service of choice of commercial companies (fishing, shipping, expedition cruise, offshore infrastructure, etc.), academia and research, and public sector clients. The map-based application offers time tested tooling for strategic planning, risk assessment and monitoring, operational and navigational support and decision-making. It covers both the Arctic and Antarctic regions and is optimized for low-bandwidth connections.

Customer testimonials

Detailed IcySea information

Sea-ice data coverage

Where different sources of sea-ice data are available in the Arctic and Antarctic.

See data coverage
solid magnifying glass location icon

Data information

Details and meta-information about the sea-ice data provided by IcySea.

See detailed information
solid circle question-mark icon

Video tutorials

Visual explanations of how to use IcySea and its features.

Watch tutorial videos on youtube
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Sea-ice interpretation guidelines

How to interpret and understand sea-ice data within IcySea.

Read interpretation guidelines
solid lightbulb icon


Frequently asked questions and their answers.

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IcySea not working properly?

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User Guide

Printable IcySea User Guide.

Download PDF
solid magnifying glass location icon

Conditions of use

All users are required to register in order to use IcySea. Access to new data after the initial trial period requires an IcySea subscription. Please contact to discuss your ice information needs and to obtain a quotation.

IcySea is supported by

Generated using E.U. Copernicus Marine Service Information