Data information and download sizes

IcySea v1.1 screenshot
Screenshot of the IcySea app. The coloured background shows sea-ice concentration, grey images are radar satellite scenes and the red dots are sea-ice drift forecast trajectories.

IcySea is meant to be an actionable application and as such it makes the data available to the user in near real-time. In particular:

Sea Ice Concentration (6 and 3 km resolution):
Near real-time, up to 8 updates per day
Ice Charts:
US National Ice Center (USNIC): Weekly updates, Arctic-wide and Ross Sea, Antarctica
Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI): Updates every 1-3 days, Greenland
US National Weather Service (NWS): Daily updates, Alaska
Canadian Ice Service (CIS): Weekly updates, Canadian Waters
Argentinian Naval Hydrographic Service (SHN): Weekly updates, Antarctic NAVAREA VI
Norwegian Meteorological Institute (MetNo): Daily updates (week days), Atlantic sector of the Arctic and weekly updates, Antarctic NAVAREA VI
Optimized Sea Ice Drift Forecast:
Daily updates
Radar images (Sentinel-1 and RADARSAT Constellation Mission):
Near real-time, daily updates
Optical images (MODIS):
Daily updates
Surface temperature:
Daily updates

Approximate data usage information

When using a satellite data connection it is important to know how much data is transferred when installing and using the IcySea application. Below is a list of approximate data usage amounts for various aspects of the application:

Information to downloadData transfer size
Application installation (v4.0.0) ~21.4 MB
Sea-ice concentration ~136 kB
Ice charts ~15 MB
Ice drift forecast ~176 kB
Radar Image low resolution tile ~28 kB
Radar Image high resolution tile ~1.7 MB
MODIS optical image ~5 kB
Tile age information 0 kB (information is computed in app)